My god that was beautiful.
Faved. 'Till the end. I'm in love with you now. XD
My god that was beautiful.
Faved. 'Till the end. I'm in love with you now. XD
Do you want to make a baby with me?
I agree with BlueOceans down there about the lack of variety. Your chord progression barely changes. You gotta mix it up every now and then to keep the interest going. Especially if you plan on making a five minute song. The longer the song is, the more variety it needs to have.
Your melody work and synth choice is superb as always, so I have no qualms about that. :D
However, you did have some high end frequencies in this song that made me take my headphones off for a moment.
0:30 - 0:35 Your rise had way too much high end.
1:30 - 1:36 Once again, the rise had too much high end.
Also your hi-hats were very apparent in the high end as well. I mean, I know they're literally called "Hi-Hats," but even so, be careful of the frequency.
Overall, it's a pretty great song! It sounds good, flows nicely, and soothes me. Great work Ectisity!
*high fives* ^~^
Thanks for the detailed review :). Really glad you liked it.
I agree that there's some problems with the hi-end in this one. My headphones doesn't rly give a clear and neutral hi-end sound so I sometimes overdo it.
This is really disturbing. Oh my god....
I love it.
Damn, you're just too good at this! I always get the happiest feels when I listen to your music. It inspires the soul. I really do appreciate the wonderful music you make Waterflame, it really is soothing.
Also, I always wondered, how many patterns on average do you use in a song? From what I hear, it seems like a lot. Then again, you could be one of those producers who keep a tidy, compact, and simple musical piece despite sounding difficult to make.
You left me so many great reviews so I told myself, "I HAVE to check this guy out!"
And I'm glad I did! :D
This song is very well made and I cant ell you spent a lot of time on it! And the dubstep has it's own uniqueness to it that leaves me in a pretty euphoric state. Your transitions were flawless and showed wonderful control over the song.
The melody was catchy but you could've added in more variations to it. It was pretty apparent that the similar chords and notes were being used as well as the same synths. The arpeggio you had in the background was a bit repetitive, although it did add a nice feel to the atmosphere in the song.
The synths you used really conveyed the message of being in a futuristic setting as well as the dubstep. I particularly enjoy the rave-like feeling that you gave us at 1:09. It was really nostalgic and the transition into it was very great as well.
The opening was very smooth all the way to the drop and further. I commend you on a job well done and hope to more tracks from you in the future.
You just gained a new fan, a new supporter, and a new lover of your music. Take care, man. ;)
wow :0 dont make me cry man, thank you so much ;__; <3
il keep em coming, i wonder if il get into Round 3 in the NGADM'14 with this song.
- Pandasticality
This is really good! And you're a beginner you say? I have my doubts. It's structured very well in my opinion, but could still use some work. For example, you want to have your kick be one of the loudest sounds in the entire song. Never have your arp or melody overpower the kick. Also, your crash needs a higher volume as well. Crashes normally signify a change in the song. If we don't hear that crash, how are we supposed to know? Make sure it's loud enough so that it can be heard clearly, but not so loud that it drowns out the melody and arps.
Your clap needs to be louder as well. The clap is always a little less louder than the kick. Again, don't make it so loud so that it overpowers the melody.
But for the most part, very good job! I really enjoy the melody and changes in the song as well as the beat. Keep up the good work. :D
Hey thanks for the review.
Yeah I was thinking that the Instruments were drowning out the beat and crash in my songs. I'll keep that in mind in the future :)
This is amazing! I like your style! Especially how you take use of your instruments and have them slowly raise in pitch and octave to bring up the start of a new part or melody. I enjoy the synths you used in this song. It creates a nice funky beat. And the melody is just perfect.
When the song changed around 2:20 - 3:15, I think just a few more synths or a background melody could have been added. After about 2:40 you start to hear repetition. and the synth you used in the change around 3:00 could have been changed. It sounds like a weird buzz, as if you chose a altered form of bassline for that part. I think you should have gone for something a little bit different. Perhaps a saw or maybe a slight square lead. Or maybe you could've layered the synth.
When the song hit 3:18 however, you had me mesmerized. The piano was soulful and when the melody came in it sent me into a higher state of music.
When the song hit 4:12 and the melody started to rise and pitch and detune, I think the piano could have sped up as the pitch got higher. So instead of having the chords ring out every, half a bar (or quarter depending on your tempo), have it start to come together almost like you would if you were to be using a snare. Let the sound eventually roll together and then drop it off by bringing down the frequency.
Everything then on out was just great! However, you could've given the song a more dynamic ending. Perhaps when the last note came, you could have taken the piano chord you used earlier and have it hit at the last second. And maybe a slight crash in the background accompanied by that little "pew" sound. I'm not to sure what it's called. XD
Overall, this is a pretty awesome song! I'm downloading this right now. :D
Review Rating: 4.5 stars
Rating: 5 stars (since I can't rate 4.5, and the song isn't a four, but not a five either)
Longest comment i ever had!
Thx for taking some time for my track =3
This is an awesome song. The melody is so catchy and unique. However, in the beginning, that rising clap really stood out in the song, in a wrong way. You shouldn't have used the rising frequency. A fade in would've been more acceptable.
Honestly, that's the only flaw I could find. Other than that, the song is pretty awesome! Right now, I'm in FL Studio, trying to come up with a melody, and the only thing playing in my head is the melody of this song. It's ruining my creative process. XD
Keep up the awesome work Teo! :D
I haven't reviewed a song of yours in a LONG time! Long time no see! How are things?
Ok, let's start. Pretty impressive song! And yes, it is in fact your longest! How many bars was this song? Over 200?
The melody is very catchy and easy to listen to. Ii sounds like you used a saw for the melody, am I correct? The song holds a tone of simplicity, but has it's own variety without overdoing it.
I can see that over the months, years, whatever, you have used a LOT of lowering and rising frequencies in your songs in order to create the effect that it's ending, and then you bring it right back. It's starting to become overused. If I were you, I would try to find other tactics or techniques that could provide the same effect. You actually used the frequencies a lot in this song. Don't overdo it.
While the melody is catchy, it begins to become VERY repetitive, seeing as how it is the only melody present within the song. When the melody's frequency dropped and came back up, a second melody could've been placed behind it. After it played through a little bit, the original melody could've dropped off, leaving the new one to ring out a little, and then switching to bassline and beat until the original melody came back.
This keeps the song fresh, and erases as much repetitiveness as possible. The intro was very nice. It really changes a person's perspective on the song. At first you think that it would be very generic, and then it breaks down and you're like, "HELL YEAH! I CAN GET DOWN TO THIS!"
An overall amazing song Teo! Keep in mind what I said. It's good to find new techniques to uphold. Every song should have something different. If your run out of techniques, make new ones!
Keep up the awesome work Teo! I'll be listening till the end! :D
I will keep your tips in mind bro thanks <3
I'm a masked assassin that makes electronic music using the blood of my victims. How'd you like to be apart of my next song? >:D
Age 24, Male
West Palm Beach, Florida
Joined on 3/31/13